
Songbird 2020 film
Songbird 2020 film

Le film est d'ailleurs inspiré de cette pandémie et se déroule dans un futur où le virus a muté et les mesures de sécurités renforcées. Produit par Michael Bay, il s'agit du premier film tourné à Los Angeles pendant la période de confinement aux États-Unis lors de la pandémie de Covid-19. Songbird, ou Phénix au Québec, est un film américain réalisé par Adam Mason, sorti en 2020.En el sitio Rotten Tomatoes tuvo una aprobación del 10%, mientras que en Metacritic sumó 30 puntos de 100. La película tuvo una respuesta crítica ampliamente negativa, con los expertos tachándola de «aburrida» e «innecesaria».

songbird 2020 film

Estrenó en vídeo bajo demanda el 11 de diciembre de 2020 bajo la distribución de STXfilms. La película es protagonizada por KJ Apa, Sofia Carson, Craig Robinson, Bradley Whitford, Peter Stormare, Alexandra Daddario, Paul Walter Hauser y Demi Moore. El guion fue escrito por Mason y Simon Boyes, y sus eventos ocurren en el año 2024, donde el SARS-CoV-2 ha mutado y el gobierno de Estados Unidos encierra a todos los infectados en campos de concentración para que mueran o se recuperen por sí mismos. Songbird (titulada Inmune en España, Infectados en Hispanoamérica) es una película estadounidense de drama y ciencia ficción dirigida por basada en la pandemia de COVID-19.Regie führte, der das Drehbuch zusammen mit geschrieben hat. Songbird ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Thriller aus dem Jahr 2020.


Songbird never quite achieves what it sets out to accomplish, but it certainly deserves a tip of the hat for trying to make a movie about a universally trying time. And while his fantastically ridiculous character might be right at home in a Coen brothers or superhero movie (both of which are in his wheelhouse), he feels out of place in this film, which is attempting to focus on the humanity of those struggling with loneliness and human connection. Sometimes, they seem at cross-purposes with his own needs. Tasked with getting the infected into the Q-Zone, he stabs the healthy from time to time for reasons that are unclear. As the sleazy head of the Department of Sanitation, his power has run amok in a way that doesn't make sense. Where it's most noticeable is with Peter Stormare, an actor who's known for playing some pretty over-the-top bad guys. But the disjointed filming seems to have translated into performances that don't quite fit together. And it's all melodrama, all the time: The musical score gets a 5 out of 5 violins. The reliance on tight, handheld camera work is reminiscent of The Blair Witch Project.

songbird 2020 film

Songbird takes leaps in logic that are impossible to get past. But just like the quarantine-staple Zoom meeting, things sometimes get lost in the static. Shot on iPhones and laptops, it truly is a feat. Certainly, recognition is due for managing to make a movie while respecting quarantine restrictions: This is guerilla filmmaking with an exclamation mark. Technically, this qualifies as a "thrill ride" - as in, it has unpleasant ups and downs, there's jerky camera work that leaves you queasy, and it goes nowhere in a hurry. Characters also swear, mostly "s-t." To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails. An aspirational character drinks beer, and unlikable characters smoke cigarettes. Everyone is in peril: Expect guns, stabbings, strangling, shootings, exposure to the deadly virus. Nico is also shown showering, though no sensitive body parts are actually exposed. Another character ( Alexandria Daddario) is an aspiring singer who's trying to put an end to a #MeToo-type sexual situation as part of her storyline, she wears skimpy lingerie that exposes her rear. The central story involves a romance between immune courier Nico ( KJ Apa) and Latinx artist Sara ( Sofia Carson). In the film, a militaristic government response has created a dystopian Los Angeles where people are ordered to stay indoors or face dire consequences. Parents need to know that Songbird is an ensemble drama/thriller about a pandemic that was made during the 2020 COVID-19 quarantine.

Songbird 2020 film